Oh man, it's hot in Toronto right now. I spent most of yesterday afternoon spraying myself with the hose in the backyard. Alas, today I must accomplish something, so I am going to try to finish this painting of fluorite. I love this specimen. The colour zoning inside (the stripes of green and violet) is so neat. This is the second fluorite specimen I am painting for my show. Fluorite is so frosty and matte compared to most of the other minerals I have painted, which have tended to be very shiny, crisp and clear. This specimen in particular looks very cool and icy, which makes for a strange sensation: staring something that looks so cold, while feeling so hot.
Oh yeah, and... kitten! (not mine :( but my upstairs neighbour's) It's a bad blurry nighttime picture, but I had to share his cuteness. He is dark grey (part Russian Blue) with matching dark grey eyes and a white tip on his tail. His name is Q Tip.