Sunday, March 18, 2012

good news / bad news

The good news is that there are beautiful early signs of spring blooming around the garden (including one of my Hellebores!). The bad news is that the roofers who just re-shingled the garage dropped the old eaves troughs on my flower bed, crushing two of the roses I planted last year. ARG! I hope they can survive!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

the heart beating wildly

My perfume obsession has entered the "obsessively browsing vintage perfumes on ebay" stage. In fact, I've taken a step beyond the browsing stage to actually make my first vintage and un-sniffed purchase. More about that when it arrives in the mail (or if it arrives? - apparently shipping perfume internationally can be risky business). The anticipation is killing me. 

My ebay perfume search has also led me to discover so many amazing vintage perfume magazine ads. This one for Guerlain's Chamade from 1971 is my absolute favourite so far. Possibly the best perfume ad I've ever seen.