Monday, April 12, 2010

miscellaneous good things

I've had a busy week/weekend. Lots of working and lots of fun things too. Some so great they are definitely worth mentioning here.

Adam and Rebecca rehearsing in my living room last September.

On Thursday night my wonderful brother's band Adam and the Amethysts (this version was him and the lovely cellist Rebecca) played here in Toronto. As usual they were really really great. They opened for Land of Talk,who I had never heard before and were a wonderful surprise. I picked up their album Some Are Lakes and it will be on heavy rotation for me this summer.

Saturday night was nothing short of revelatory. My friend Shary Boyle presented The Monkey and the Mermaid as part of the Images Festival, in collaboration with Christine Fellows. It was unbelievable and basically indescribable (by me anyways - best to read the Images blurb here). It feels funny to post about it, since it can't really be shared now that it's over, but I recommend at least checking out Shary's website. Her work is truly amazing. She is kind of a star so you might already know her?

The other good thing was a new recipe. I made Shakshuka from a recipe on Smitten Kitchen, and it was SO GOOD. Definitely a new staple meal. Hearty, healthy, simple... pretty much perfect. It was so good I forgot to take a photo of it, and I can't steal one from Smitten Kitchen, so you'll just have to click the link to see it and MAKE IT!


  1. Oh, I forgot that your brother's band was playing! Also, that recipe looks amazing. Geoff made a simplified version of that (I didn't realize it had a name and an ethnicity attached to it!) and it was sooooo good. We ate it on thick, crusty bread. It was also from Smitten Kitchen. Yum.

  2. My roommate made that last night! We're obsessed with Smitten in our house. It was so good.
